Sweet Dragon Dreams

Night of 3-7-05 -

Night of March 7, 2005

I was a spy and was on a mission. I was on a plane heading toward a place where we were supposed to capture this one guy. Three of us walked off the plane, guns in hand, as we began searching the place for him. I got to this room with a couch and I suddenly yelled for the guy to come out from under there for I saw his foot peaking out from under it. I gave him a second before I kicked the couch over and found him curled up, trying to hide. One of the guys, main guy, I was working with came running and managed to get him to his feet and then handed him off to our other team member. The member ushered the guy to the plane as the main guy and I started walking back to the plane. I suddenly collapsed onto my knees. Through the pain, I managed to see the main guy worry about me. I then found myself in a dream state/another dimension. I was lying face up on a stone slab with my limbs restrained. I looked around me and there were little �demons� or critters around me. I looked down at my stomach and found that a �M� with a circle around it was burnt onto my stomach. The burn was old enough where I could see the scar tissue. (It was a �M� to anyone who would look at me, when I looked down it read as a �W� � but I read it as �M.�)

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