Sweet Dragon Dreams

Night of 3-17-05 -

Night of March 17, 2005

I was skating through campus toward a building that would hold some movie auditions. I was all set to audition when I looked to my left and saw a boy fall off his wheeled toy. I skated over when he started crying. I noticed he had his helmet on when I reached him. I knelt down and asked if anything was hurt. He shook his head, his face now red from crying. I looked around and saw his Mom come running towards us. I got up and she said something to me as the boy stood up and was ushered away. I looked at the boy before I skated away, toward the auditions I was now missing.

It became the next day as I skated up to the building. I asked a group of girls where the people were and they told me they were on he third floor. I skated inside and got onto an elevator with two big black guys. They asked what floor I needed and I told them the third floor. They then pushed all kinds of buttons for different floors and the panel on the elevator put all the numbers together to create a long number. I wondered if I would ever get to my floor. It then came to my floor and the doors opened and I tried to skate out, but I had to lift myself up to get to the floor. I then realized that the doors were closing and I better hurry before the doors closed on me. Panic left me as I sat on the third floor knowing that I made it. I stood up and skated to the room where the movie people were. I went in to the room and asked if I was too late. They nodded their heads and told me yes. I plopped onto a chair and sighed. I asked if they wanted to know why I missed it, and I ended up telling them that I had to stop and help a child. Some were impressed.

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