Sweet Dragon Dreams

Night of 9-15-04 -

Night of September 15, 2004

All there seemed to be were black and white tones, the only color that stood out was red, and it was a bright red. I was squatting next to some people and one of them pointed to a red flower next to me and told me to bury it. I felt rushed and I grabbed some gravel and covered it up. I then found myself standing near a formation of children/teens and it looked like they were in a marching band. They were standing on a tarp. I noticed that half of them were wearing red uniforms or had red instruments. I was worried for them. They soon started playing and suddenly this figure came out and grabbed a person, everyone gasped and was worried but soon continued playing. I was thinking there were other colors besides red that they could wear, like blue. Then I realized that red was their school color so of course they would want to wear red. Some more kids came up missing and I know I had to do something. This other person and I made up sides for the tarp, creating a tent. We had trouble setting up this huge tent and the sides kept coming undone, but we were finally able to get it standing with the sides attached.

I then found myself standing in front of a display. I think swords were displayed, but I�m unsure exactly what it was. I do know there was a black back drop with something shiny and golden and silvery hanging in front of the black. Some guy came up behind me and started yelling at me. I turned around and was wondering what he was yelling about. He then started accusing me of stealing something and I held out my hands saying I didn�t steal anything. He then grabbed me by my arm and half-dragged me to this room. He threw me in and shut a gate. This room was apart of the house, yet it was kind of set up to be a prison, but not a very good prison. There were open spaces between the �prison� and the rest of the house. I paced and as I was coming back I saw a doorframe that was wide open. I started toward it, but soon there was this big bulky guy that blocked my way. I shook my head as I walked back near the gate.

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