Sweet Dragon Dreams

Night of 9-22-04 -

Night of September 22, 2004

My friend and I were checking into a hotel. I had put my information down and put my college extension for the phone number. We then got settled in our room. Mom, my brother, and I were lying down, watching a movie. The phone rang and I answered it. There was a non-distinguishable voice on the other end asking me questions. I got off the phone and told my Mom to go ahead and stop the movie. I walked out into the hallway and I still could hear the voice. The voice kept asking me stuff and I kept trying to avoid answering the questions. I then saw Dad standing near me about the time I practically yelled that these questions were way too personal.

I suddenly turned and almost ran into a stringy blond girl. I said I was sorry for what I said on the phone, that I hate phones and they are so impersonal, that I would rather do things face to face. She nodded her head and I found myself outside, at night. People pointed up to the crescent moon and I looked and saw a star fall from its place that was beside the moon. It had a dotted line where it had been. I looked and where the star had fallen, there seemed to be a faint glow, like a new star had taken its place. Someone said that the girl would be crying. I turned and saw the blond run toward a forest. I ran behind her and told her to wait, to not go alone. I then started yelling for a flashlight. Someone handed me a flashlight and I ran after the blond.

I followed her to this spot, I could tell that this place was secret, that no one knew about it. I then found myself sitting on a stone well/fountain. I started talking to her and she sat across from me. I ran my hand across the water and saw fireflies start to gather above the water. She suddenly nodded her head and stood up. I stood up as well and we walked over to a wall. Over the top I saw some people that I knew that had come to help us. I helped boost her up and the people on the other side managed to grab her and pull her over. All of a sudden, I started feeling sleepy and my energy was leaving me. I started to slide down the wall and I then heard a familiar voice, he told me to give him my hand. I gathered all my remaining strength and threw my hand up to him. He firmly grabbed it and pulled me over the wall.

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