Sweet Dragon Dreams

Night of 8-10-04 -

Night of August 10, 2004

I was with Lori and someone else walking around outside of what appeared to be an anime convention. I was dressed up as Link from Zelda, with metal armor. I looked over to my left and saw a group of cosplayers, all dressed up as different variations of Link, though they all wore green. They were in a military formation, with a Link leader. I shook my head as I said there were too many Links at this con. We then entered this building.

I then found myself sitting in the back of an auditorium type setting. Katie was sitting near me and I was sitting on the aisle. I saw that I was in the audience for The Price is Right. The host, not Bob - it was someone else, was going to pick someone else to come up on stage and everyone was shouting. He pointed to a girl in a velvet dress down in front of me, she pointed up to Katie. She wasn't paying attention so I said me. I stood up to go down, but I got tapped on the shoulder with a fencing point. I turned around and saw a guy in fencing gear telling me to suit up.

I went with him and found my fencing equipment. I suited up and went over to find the guy again. I then fenced with someone else and I think I won for I found the guy that had found me next to me. We then sat at a picnic bench as he told us some things that I can't really remember for I wasn't really paying attention. I felt like he was telling us off. A girl got up and was in the old type of suit, with the skirt and not the pants. The guy told me that he liked the skirt better. I told him that the pants allowed more room for movement and was more comfortable. He ignored me as he continued on about how good the skirt was better for females. I became disgusted as I stood up and walked away.

I soon found myself facing him, getting ready to battle. I looked at my tip of my foil and found something wrong with it. I looked for Dusty so he could help fix it, but he wasn't in sight. As I walked over to the guy, I saw Dusty sitting off to my left, but I walked over to the guy anyway. I showed him my tip and he asked what was wrong with it. I showed him how the tip was sharp and that it could hurt him. He nodded and filed it down. I nodded my head as I went back to my position. I fought with him and he soon was telling me that Dusty didn't teach us right, that all our moves were wrong. I lunged at him and got him right in the chest, but he told me that it was wrong. I looked at my position and I had a perfect form, but he pointed out that I didn't break the tip off on him. I recovered back and was puzzled.


I was sitting in a classroom at my personal desk. There were two sides of the room, separated by a masking tape line, down the middle of the room. There were an equal number of students on each side, facing each other. The students on the south side of the room were wearing blue bath robes; the north side was wearing white bath robes. The teacher came in; a fat old lady made her way into the classroom and told us that if either side was able to make it to the other side of the classroom, without getting 'killed' that that person would wear the other sides color. I was in a white robe, and made it to the blue side. I was the only one hat had moved, everyone else stayed sitting. I was then ushered back to my side and was given blue oven mitts to wear. I still had on my white robe and I put on the blue oven mitts.

(There was a break, though the classroom setting had stayed the same.)

There was a young guy who was our teacher. He told us that our desks represented countries and lands. Each of us was the 'president' of our land and that where we were sitting would effect how our land developed. We could scoot our desks around, but we had better watch what we were doing.

I looked in my folder and saw that all the assignments that I had turned in early were already graded and handed back to me. I was pleased for I had done all the assignments and so now I had nothing to worry about except to sit there and have fun. There was this lady sitting behind me and she asked how I did one assignment. I pulled it out and told her that I had made a chart, and I showed it to her. The teacher came back and I had hurried back to my 'land.' I scooted my desk over against the windows, on the west side of the room. The teacher explained that he would do something drastic if he ever caught one of us helping another with the assignments and he looked at me. I looked innocent as I looked up to the ceiling.

He then pointed to me and told the others how my land was going to erode since I was up against the 'waterfalls.' I shrugged my shoulders as people murmured that I was going to ruin my land. I didn't care. I soon pulled my desk over next to a guy's. He asked me if I wanted to participate in a game. I asked what game. He explained and I told him that I wasn't sure. The teacher came over and asked what we were u to - since our lands were against each others. I told him that we had formed a 'treaty.' He smiled and walked away.

We soon were seeing who could gather as many machines/robots as possible. We stayed sitting in our seats as the robots came through the door. We would push the knobs on remote controllers around to see which bin it would get in, mine or the guys. Soon, both bins were filled and we agreed that we had tied.

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