Sweet Dragon Dreams

Night of 1-18-04 -

Night of January 18, 2004

I was pregnant and so was my brother. It was a time where men can get pregnant and it was very common. My parents took us to the hospital for it was about time for us to give birth. I kept feeling the baby kicking and it excited me. I also kept doubling over in pain. I kept saying that the baby was coming, but no one believed me. My brother and I went separate ways for the men and women were put in different wings. My parents went with me. The nurses put me in a wheelchair and I gladly sat down, in pain. I said that the baby was coming and they just shook their heads. They took me to my room and had me sit on the bed. I was again in pain. One nurse went over to a drawer and got something and sat down beside me. She had some pills in her hand. She handed me a glass of water and told me that I had to take these pills. I picked a pink pill up and took it. She expressed concern and I asked what I did wrong. She told me that I had to take all the pills at once. I looked at them in her hand, there was a big handful, and told her I couldn�t take them all at once. She told me that I had too and now I messed the dosage up. She got up and got a tray and put the pills on it, they seemed to multiply. I looked at her; there was no way I could take all those pills at once. I doubled over in pain again, the pain was intense.

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