Sweet Dragon Dreams

Night of 6-20-04 -

Night of June 20, 2004

I was with two other girls and a teacher. The girls and I found rollers in front of us. The rollers were set up like a conveyer belt, without the belt. Most of the rollers were white and some were red. The teacher informed us to roll this red boxy thing on it. When I did, the red box rolled down the belt, underneath it, and back to where I had first rolled it. I then found myself holding one white roller and looking down at the belt that was now sitting on my bed. I placed the extra roller on top. I looked up and saw the two other girls and the teacher up on a porch. I then found myself sitting down out in the yard. Firemen were going in and out of the front door. They were not wearing their gear, but they were wearing a black shirt with the words �Fireman� on the back. It also had the year �1999� under the word �Fireman.� I looked at the test I had to take and read a question. It had to deal with politics and the fireman. I was trying to think of the answer, and look for the answer for it was on the back of the shirt when I suddenly fell over to my left. I dropped the test and pencil and I then floated up above my body. I saw a fireman run over to my body and tried to get me to respond to him. I guess I was not breathing for he kept telling me to breathe and to work with him. I guess I started to breathe for he told me that I was doing well. I then went back into my body and I vomited. The fireman told me it was okay, to come on back to him.

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