Sweet Dragon Dreams

Night of 2-29-04 -

Night of February 29, 2004

I was packing for MTAC at home and I found that half my costumes were at college. I had my Spike Spiegel jacket and shirt but the pants and wig was at college. I didn�t want to wear a partial costume so I looked around for something that I could wear. I even thought about stopping by my college room to get my costume, but I didn�t want to for when I got on the road to MTAC I wouldn�t want to stop. I looked around and found my bent up dragon wings. I put them on and adjusted them. They fit well, better than I remembered. I now needed a shirt to wear with it. I had then found a light blue sequenced square of material. I had wrapped that around my top and tied it at the front.

I suddenly found myself walking around a main lobby with other people.


I wanted to get my mail for I knew that I had junk mail and I wanted to throw it away. When I had gotten to my mailbox, others were there. There was a guy that was about to leave and a couple. The couple was filling out papers to live on campus. There was a table in front of the mailboxes so I couldn�t reach mine. I asked the guy behind the boxes if he could push my mail out and toward me. He did, but I soon realized that he had also given me some of the couples information and keys. I gave them their keys and papers. I then started separating my mail from my roomies. Then all went black. The girl had cried out in surprise. Then a few seconds later the lights came back on. I began to sort through my mail again. The lights went out again. We joked as I fumbled for all my mail. I told them that when the lights come back on that I was going to make a run for my room. They wished my luck as the lights came back on. I ran toward my room and soon got there. Kat asked how I liked the lights. I shook my head as I handed her mail to her.

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