Sweet Dragon Dreams

Night of 4-9-04 -

Night of April 9, 2004

I was in a building and looked outside and saw a semi backing up next to the building I was in. There was railroad tracks running behind the building and there was a crossing where the truck was backing up. I saw that he had gotten hooked up on the railroad crossing signal and I heard a faint sound of an approaching train. I ran the other way and down the steps away from the building. I knew that if the truck would stay there, that is would de-rail the train and I didn't want to be around when that happened.

I soon found myself back in the building getting ready to settle down to watch a movie. There were other people, a couple, Jonathon, and another guy, who had shoulder length black curly hair. The other guy settled in a chair in front of me and the couple was on the couch behind me and Jonathon was somewhere behind me. The movie started and I wanted to wrap my arms around someone. I scooted my chair up and gently wrapped my arms around the guy in front of me, I then kind of let my arms fall, unsure of how the guy would react to me. He grabbed my hands and wrapped them around him, as if saying go ahead, and I did. The thought of Jonathon being jealous entered my mind, but then soon left. I thought that if he was jealous he should of asked me to be his girl already. It felt right with my arms wrapped around him and him leaning against me.

(I woke up with a longing; a big longing of wanting someone to wrap my arms around and them to return the favor.)

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