Sweet Dragon Dreams

Afternoon of 4-15-04 -

Afternoon of April 15, 2004

I was playing a game that the loser would end up dead. I was losing and I soon lost, but somehow I was able to live. I found out that instead of really dying, that I would fake a death.

I then learned that someone was to come and kill my unborn child. The thing was, I wasn't really pregnant, but everyone thought I was. In order for someone's plan to work, I had to play along with the whole plot to kill my 'baby.' It was night time and I was with another girl. I was wearing a black outfit and I suddenly saw the killer come through the door. The other girl screamed as I felt the knife go through the skin on my stomach. I passed out and I then woke up a little while later. When I woke up, I found that I was lying on the other girl. I looked down at my stomach and saw the black handled knife sticking out of my stomach. It hurt, but I managed not to cry out in any pain. I then found myself with some meds and they said that if I was carrying a baby, that he would be dead.

I then found myself healed and walking around a carnival. One booth was selling chocolate covered marshmallows. My Mom went ahead and bought one and a lady had told my Mom that she had to go behind the booth, behind the tent flap in front of a camera, saying that she had bought the candy and so no one would accuse her of shoplifting. I was going to get one, but I didn't want to get in front of a camera and so I decided against it.

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