Sweet Dragon Dreams

Morning of 11-13-04 -

Morning of November 13, 2004

I was driving an invisible car and I parked it in front of some buildings in the parking lot. I got out and locked the door and I walked into one of the buildings. I walked into movie theater and I then saw my parents, whom were waiting for me. They told me that my brother was on his way over. I nodded my head and then began to worry because he might not know where we are because he wouldn�t be able to see the invisible car. I hoped that he would know where we were.

I was looking out a window when he came in with some suitcases and made his way up some steps to the hotel room. I was glad that he found us. I turned to face my parents as they told me that Grandma was coming. I sighed and shook my head. I really didn�t want her to come here. I looked out the window toward her house and saw her backing out in her black truck. Her truck had some big fat tires on the back. My parents came over to stand beside me, but away from the window. They asked me if I could see her tires. I said yes. They wanted me to see if her tires would spin. I asked why, and they told me that she had been complaining about my cousin�s tires and how they would spin and that they should get them replaced. I looked at her tires and saw that her back driver side fat tire was indeed spinning. I told them that her back tire was spinning. They shook their heads.

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