Sweet Dragon Dreams

Night of 6-18-01 -

Night of June 18, 2001

I was running around behind some people taking photographs. Photo's of the sunset, people, and whatever entered my viewfinder.

Then I was in an army type thing, but we were known as social security. We were dressed in light blue uniforms with dark blue pants. It was the lowest form of the army. When we were running, we ran by the highest form of the army. They were dressed in black with a yellow cord around their shoulders. The guy that was in charge of them saw me running hard and pulled me out of the line. He asked me how would I like being part of his group. I said I would love to. He told me to grab a cannon and do what the others were doing. I grabbed one and people were booing at me. They didn't want to work with me. Two girls were the only ones encouraging me. We became friends.

I had to go through an obstacle course, pushing the cannon through it. I made it. I was the only one that made it all the way through. The people who booed at me, now respected me.

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